Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Nirn and Earth: anonymouspacemagician: the-daedric-brothers: anonymouspacemagician: ((…
Nirn and Earth: anonymouspacemagician: the-daedric-brothers: anonymouspacemagician: ((… anonymouspacemagician: the-daedric-brothers: anonymouspacemagician: (( Baka means idiot. Triple baka is a Vocaloid song )) ((dfujdfg,dsfkghdkj,djdgh,dhgd,dasgdghdghfdlk; PANDA)) (( I NEED MORE PO GIFS … ((-grins evilly and gives Krosaz-mun a panda plush that’s life-sized.-))
Prompt: Explosions
General Dreamwalker was carried to the Commander of the Light’s room, and placed in her bed. He would be out for serveral hours. So with that thought in mind, she watched over the man for a few minutes, after having had her disquieting conversation with Kaiya. Why was she so adamant that I leave him…
kytnkat’s prompt: Glitter and Rope
((Glitter and rope?!?!?!?!?! DAFUQ?! H\’okay. Also, NSFW! Edit: Reposted this as a pure text post so the Read More thing actually works. >.>)) The sound of the collar jingled as he held the leash that led to his pet’s collar. It was a pleasing sound, one that he so loved to hear, no matter the…
It’s Fetish Friday! Next person in my ask box gets me tied up for however long they want and can do what they want (within reason c’mon) to me
It’s Fetish Friday! Next person in my ask box gets me tied up for however long they want and can do what they want (within reason c’mon) to me askshaneshepard: nellythespectre: Next person in my ask box gets the muse all tied up for however long they want! Nelly: Wh-WHAT? Why do you DO this…
Please reblog if you’re an RPer
successor-of-hokuto: ((I don’t care if you’re an OC, Canon, or whatever! I just need awesome people to interact with! I must follow you.)) General Dreamwalker reporting for RP duty! :O
Reblog if you were unaware that Tumblr was being advertised through MTV, because you were too busy on Tumblr to watch MTV.
the-daedric-brothers: mer-and-cat: tiedtotheforsworn: brucebannerphd: ((… people still watch MTV?)) ((MTV still exists?)) ((…The fuck is MTV again?)) ((MTV still exists? What? Wow. ))
Prompt: Death
A woman with a calm, ageless face watched another, who appeared to be in his twenties. The young man’s blue-grey eyes were empty, bleak like death and he didn’t turn as the other shook her head with a touch of sympathy and sadness in her cool green eyes and glided away. Once outside the room…
So. Boredom is currently ruling me. Give me a prompt to write for, plox.
Poetry, and all that jazz
Right, so I’m moving stuff from the other blog I have over to this one since this one will be more personal, and the other one will be more for organizational purposes and crap like that. So expect to see more stuff like that, among other things, such as drabbles that Shane occasionally releases that…
Hello and Goodbye…
People so seldom say “I love you”. And then it’s either too late or love goes. So when I tell you I love you, It doesn’t mean I know you’ll never go, only that I wish you didn’t have to.
Got any book recommendations?