Category: Uncategorized

  • Arrows of Fate

    The wind is whispering a warning
    The leaves are turning, the sky is yawning
    Time grows short, and the end is near
    The moments we share will soon disappear

    Bound by the arrows of change
    Bound by the arrows of fate
    We must embrace what remains
    Before it’s too late

    Verse 2:
    The sun is setting, the shadows grow long
    The birds are singing their last song
    We must cherish every moment we find
    For time is fleeting, and leaves behind

    Bound by the arrows of change
    Bound by the arrows of fate
    We must embrace what remains
    Before it’s too late

    The world keeps spinning, the clock keeps ticking
    But we can make every second count
    We can find love, we can find meaning
    And make every moment amount

    Bound by the arrows of change
    Bound by the arrows of fate
    We must embrace what remains
    Before it’s too late

    The leaves will soon fall, but we can rise
    We can find hope, we can find new skies
    The arrows of change may point us down
    But we can rise above, and wear our crown.

  • Catch the Lightning

    In my quiet hours, I spin stories in my mind.

    Some, dreams. Others, less so. Still yet others, of a glimpse into realities unrealized.

    Each touch, a memory of what once was, like lightning in a bottle… and the skeins of memory blurs ever further, til the Light fades, bound by the arrows of time, of thought.

    A memory of what is, lit by an ever-changing mist of uncertainty, bound by the arrows of change.

    A memory of what will be, catching the lightning and bound by the arrows of fate, of things untouched. Mysteries unbound. And in those quiet moments, an ever-growing ache of a weave binding hearts and minds…

    Gone it was, like the memories that was the brimful of Light that was that flame, dancing away. And it made him ache with longing, the bright burning sun, just beyond his fingertips no matter how he strived. When had he ever taken it for granted? It had been an ounce too much, a gamble that had shredded his very soul.

    Did it matter? He knew not, yet he still caught the lightning, beheld it… ‘Tis a wonder, the beauty that was his well. There was no need to take it for granted, no reason why he should either, yet he continued to.

    As he often did.

    Another few moments, time fading, till the Light fades, bound by the arrows of time. A beautiful arrow, of bright blazing light, with each edge lashed with a bitter fate. As the slow evening light filtered in, and the most ethereal of weather moved in, and the nightfall spread like a cloak across the streets, he lay huddled beneath his cloak, with his eyes closed. Listening to the strain of music that floated in from that self-same source.

    And in those few moments, a sweetness grew, a burden borne of love, a woeful wish…

    For all the sudden, the thing came alive. A feathery green presence, a gesture of greeting, a lifetime or two of joy and sadness. He would never be free from it, never be in his own place again…

    Just a little longer, time fades, bound by the arrows of time, of thought.

    He has a way, now… a way to reach her, a way to leave, a way to find a place where they will never part. Not truly, but for a bit. A little while, a little while.

    ‘Tis a wonder, the beauty that was his well. It wasn’t long, not a second at the most. His fingers brushed his lips softly, in remembrance, and a soft, musical chuckle came from the other side of the doorway.

    Yet another gift, not so beautiful, but more… complex. A peace, a hum, a sigh as that ache grew deeper, touching upon his soul.

    He found he was laughing, breathless and thankful for the quiet times. The rest of the day was rather useless, yet the hour before was filled with warmth and friendship.

    And it was enough. A smile slipped across his face, as he once more gazed at the leaves that were his friends. They brought a light, a joy into his heart, the first ray of a dawn that would be his tomorrow.

    Funny, he had never really noticed them before. He had seen them around him, the world’s beauty.

    Yet, they were little more than another blossom in the garden… now… they took on a different meaning, a special kind of beauty, for they were as important to him as the stars in the sky. Things that once were, seen from another’s perspective. A smile flashed across his face, warm and dimpled, and he breathed in, a delicate rattle.

    If it weren’t so warm…

    Time grows short, and the leaves will soon fall. Bound by the arrows of change, bound by the arrows of fate.

    But there are things he is bound to. He is bound to her, bound to what is not his, bound to a future he hasn’t seen.

    He is bound to… The Light. Her Flame.

    He saw her come back, a puff of smoke rising from the stack of leaves she had gathered. He looked back down, gazing at them, and the smile returned.

    A beautiful arrow, of bright blazing light, with each edge lashed with a bitter fate.

    And in those few moments, a sweetness grew, a burden borne of love, a woeful wish…

    The tiniest speck of light danced across the smooth surface of her neck. A smile… for him. Reminding him that she was the brightest of the Light.

    Perhaps a different shade of blue, but brighter. So bright that it filled the whole room and the only other light seemed pale. Another small ache, but this time he welcomed it. He was waiting. She didn’t know… it was perfect. Time fades, bound by the arrows of time, of thought.

    It had always been like this, like the pain had always been there, like her heart was always bound to someone else. Like her soul had always meant to connect with another… And like she always felt she could never stop. She never knew why.

    She never knew that it was only him. She never knew that she could…

    Just a little longer…

    Every sound in the night… quiet and close, if they listened closely they could hear them… But not all sounds were meant to be heard.

    They would sometimes find bits of evidence, bits of what was meant to be unseen.

    Time was not silent…

    The ice cracking… slow at first, but faster and louder as time went on. The message hidden beneath the past… And finally, the silence would end, and then he would leave.

    When they made love, there would be nothing. When they kissed, there would be no life.

    The door would always be closed, and it would never be opened again.

    His kiss, his touch… if only. It would never be the same, but maybe it should be.

    It could.

    She would be lost, so lost, and the door wouldn’t be closed, and there was no one to see.

    The door would be open, and she would never be seen. And if she were to leave… never return.

    It would be forever lost, so the door must never be closed.

    To leave… well, that she would never do.

    Trees love the rain… He wanted to think, but there were things he did not want to think about.


    He needed to think, but there were things he didn’t want to think about.


    He needed to think.

    A series of strange words…

    Then, too late, he saw it. The destruction he had begun to lay upon the land. The broken bodies, the shredded pieces, the screams of the dying… the ruin. The growing forest was spread before him… a cruel and sickening mockery of what was once a noble forest. The Lifeblood. His ever-guiding Light.

    It was hard to hide, but he did it. His heart burned, it was afraid. He didn’t know what would happen if he were to let it out. His tears, his tears. And the sobs… They were always so strong, they always burst out of him and took him completely by surprise, like a wave before the moon.

    And he fell to the ground, a writhing heap, as his tears mingled with the grass. He was gone, so he thought. He could not see her, nor hear her. His Light.

    It was hard to hide, but he did it. He pushed his tears away and lied to himself, because he was afraid. His pain, his sorrow, his silence, it was hard to hide, but he did it. He pushed his pain away and lied to himself, because he was afraid.

    His Light, his Heart.

    It was hard to hide, but he did it. He always hoped. He always hoped that she would return, and he never stopped. He never let go of the dreams, the hopes, of that one day. Maybe it was time to take a leap of faith, but something held him back. Something that he couldn’t explain to anyone. His fear.

    "Look out!"

    His mind was spinning, his heart was filled with screams, his tears were beating. It was hard to keep his breathing under control.

    She had come, again.

    They are of the wind. They are of the water. They are of the earth. They are of the fire. They are of the spirit…

    She woke him, always she woke him. She was the one who pulled his fingers back, and showed him what she had seen.

    He had gone through that door.

    She had gone through that door, but he had not.

    When the day came, he would go through that door.

    He had felt it on the first day. He was tired. He was weak. He had no strength left. But he couldn’t let her down. He had to do it.

    She had gone through that door. He was so lost, and he needed her. He couldn’t live without her.

    He ran through the door. He felt the wind.

    He was standing next to her.

    "Go back, my sweet. I’ll be right there."

    Her heart was beating. So fast, so loud, and she hadn’t noticed it. She was trying to be strong, but she couldn’t keep it up. He was so pale. She held him to her breast, but the pain was too much.

    He ran through the door.

  • Naughty Kitty


    She’s been naughty and she knows it


  • BE an Artist!



    This has been something that has been bothering me for the past few years, every time I encounter someone who’s just started as an artist, they put themselves down because they’re intimidated by artists who are more experienced.  Intimidation is something that every artist has (or will) encounter in their lives, and they need to pull through that fear in order to grow as an artist.  Take that intimidation and be inspired about it.  What makes it intimidating?  What makes their work look so unique?  That’s where your learning opportunistic moments will occur, you find those reasons and you create something new out of all that you’ve learned!
    I believe that anyone, ANYONE, can become an artist.  It takes dedication and determination, but I promise you that drawing is one of the most rewarding art forms I’ve ever experienced.  You will always learn something new with it, therefore, the fun never stops!

    I love this a lot!! Great advise!!

    I’m resharing this mostly for a couple people here…

  • Long silence and stuff.

    Hur, been doing things of late.

    Mostly, just rebuilding things… I think I’m nearly done with that. Of course, there’s still a few high-priced things that I still need to obtain… but I still live.

    Whether that’s a good thing or not is still up for debate. But you know what? Fuck it.

  • Nirn and Earth: anonymouspacemagician: the-daedric-brothers: anonymouspacemagician: ((…

    Nirn and Earth: anonymouspacemagician: the-daedric-brothers: anonymouspacemagician: ((…

  • Prompt: Explosions

    General Dreamwalker was carried to the Commander of the Light’s room, and placed in her bed. He would be out for serveral hours. So with that thought in mind, she watched over the man for a few minutes, after having had her disquieting conversation with Kaiya.

    Why was she so adamant that I leave him be? It’s not time yet for him to go… and now, with the report of him and possibly his lover destroying everything within a five mile radius that was a Shadow Warrior. And yet, he had been taken out by a lucky blow. But how?

    She shook her head and walked out of the room, to go in search of the warriors that had been close to him to find out what really happened. Passing by the two men that had brought Keiro here, she ordered, “Keep an eye on him, and remember, come and get me if he awakens.”

    It didn’t take her long to find the group that were assigned to keeping the General safe. “What happened to Keiro?” She was being blunt, and to the point. She didn’t want any bullshit, and wanted the straight of it. It was obvious in her posture and tone of voice.

    One spoke up, though clearly nervously, “Commander, we’re not sure. He screamed once and began clearing a path towards Kaiya. When he reached her, more than a dozen Shadow had reached us, and her. They would’ve taken her away and made her a part of them had he not reached her in time.”

    The man speaking was the Captain’s Guard, as it were, for General Dreamwalker’s security team. As he continued to speak, his hands shook, pausing every so often to drink his beer, “He blew away every Shadowspawn with Balefire and other weaves that I don’t recognize. By then he was challenging the Dark One himself to come and personally fight him. He’d… lost himself. I think his wife died.”

    Swallowing again, “He also said this… "May the Gods and Goddesses take you all, for I will bring her back to Me, in this life or the next, and damn Fate for it!” and a sniper from outside the moat took him with a shot to the heart.“

    That doesn’t match up with what I saw there… not enough… not enough. Why was the moat there? What made him gamble?"That doesn’t explain the explosions reported after he lost control. Tell me about that.”

    “He exploded a circle of a moat around us so no further Shadowspawn could get to us… we had too many coming at us. He wanted to cut them off, and ordered us to help him make it and keep them out. The…” He stopped, then shuddered, “The Shadow’s avatar had sent on a vile thing to take them both. He took them on and laughed.”

    ((This is the best I could do. >_> ))

  • kytnkat’s prompt: Glitter and Rope

    ((Glitter and rope?!?!?!?!?! DAFUQ?! H\’okay. Also, NSFW!

    Edit: Reposted this as a pure text post so the Read More thing actually works. >.>))

    The sound of the collar jingled as he held the leash that led to his pet’s collar. It was a pleasing sound, one that he so loved to hear, no matter the hour.

    The girl was kneeling at his feet, looking up at him with her full, lush lips pouting so prettily and temptingly. She knew she had his attention, for she was kneeling there at her Master’s feet absolutely naked.

    She had a nice, full figure that spoke well of her exercises, in addition to the natural feline metabolism that helped keep her fit. She blew her brown hair out of her mismatched blue and green eyes, giving him a wider smile, with a devilish glint in her eyes.

    “Yes, Master?” Her hands were at her knees, palms up, indicating to him that she wanted to be claimed, and claimed rather thoroughly by her Master. There was also two tattoos, that of a golden wolf embossed at the base of her spine, just above her tail and wrapped around her left breast, the mouth of the wolf seemingly to bite her nipple.

    She wiggled in anticipation, scenting her Master’s arousal through the pants, trying so hard to be good for her Master, but failing miserably, for she wanted some punishment.

    “You’re terrible, Kaiya. Absolutely terrible, and I should punish you for it!” He growled at her, though his mouth made him a liar, and taking the sting out of his admonition. But he wasn’t about to let her get away with it, either.

    To that end, he ordered her to stay there. “But Master!” her only protest, with another pout.

    He set the leash down and walked over to the side to reach into a fairly large-sized box that held many paraphernalia, such as ropes, cuffs, toys, just to name a few. For this punishment, he decided he would choose ropes and an edible glaringly pink glitter-filled bottle of massage oil that also worked as lube.

    He came back to her with a mischievous grin. “Stay as you are.” He unclips the leash for a moment before adding rope to her figure, taking a good thirty minute to tie her up properly before reattaching the leash to his girl. “Good girl…”

    She mewled in pleasure, arching her back to place her breasts on display more for him, “Master…” She needed his touch, ached for it. She could not remember a time where she didn’t have him near, her Master.

    When she spotted the pink bottle, she gave him a horrified look, “Master, no! Anything but that!” She tried to wriggle away, but thanks to him tying her up, she could only move a couple inches, if that away from him.

    He couldn’t help but to grin then wink as he settled behind her, close behind her that she could feel him pressed into her back. Thusly positioned, he poured lube into his hand and reached over her shoulder to massage the lube into her firm, full breasts, slowly working them over until her breasts were covered in edible pink glitter.

    Instincts pushed her back into her Master, pressing her firm rear into his crotch and moaning at the feel of his cock against her, with her tail wrapping tightly around his waist. “Master… please.” She gasped as he touched her breasts and massaged them, arching again, and pressing her rear harder against him.

    “Master…” She was getting extremely frustrated with him, because she wanted to touch him so badly, and yet the only things she could do were to writhe on his groin and moan for him.

    “Are you listening to me?” He demanded of her, glancing down to her aroused body.

    She was, she realised, when he took the pink glittering lube from his hands and pressed it down on her breasts, hard. He then leaned over and began to fondle her hard nipples, a blatant display of blatant arousal. “Yes… Master… I’m listening…” She paused, to try and hold back her moans of need, “But Master, I said I wanted…” She gasped as his hand moved down her stomach to her pussy, “to touch your cock!” She moaned in disappointment as his finger snaked under the lube on her pussy.

    “Kaiya, please!” He hissed in frustration.

    She looked up at him and yelped in surprise, flailing about a little before fighting him off and yelping, “No! I-“

    She was quickly silenced as he leant down and sucked her clit into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it and thrusting it into her pussy, sending her into a series of gasps. “You can do better than that!” He growled in her ear after a few moments, at the same time that he slipped another finger into her. “Oh… fuck…” She moaned in delight, clamping down on him as she thrust herself against his fingers, but it wasn’t long before she was completely occupied with trying to get off.

    “Fuck me! Fuck me!” She screamed at him.

    He was there the next instant, lowering his hard cock into her wet welcoming cunt and pressing it against her backdoor, before pulling out and slamming his cock into her pussy. He fucked her slowly at first, only thrusting his cock in and out slowly, but he soon began to speed up, fucking her fast and hard.

    It was not long before she was screaming for him to fuck her harder, faster and harder, but it was more than he could take.

    “Oh fuck… I’m…” His moans of pleasure drowned out her words. “No!” He growled, dragging his fingers over her nipples, squeezing and twisting them roughly. “Oh fuck…” His grip on her waist tightened and she felt herself rapidly approaching orgasm. “Kaiya!” He moaned, thrusting himself into her a few more times as he came hard and fast, emptying his cum into her.

    He collapsed onto her back, and with a gasp, pulling his semi-erect member from her, they both sagged back, panting. He grabbed her waist and drew her up to his chest, and they lay there for a while, not wanting to move and make too much noise.

    After a few minutes, he loosened his grip on her waist and she arched against him, trying to maintain contact, looking at the ceiling for a moment, before she felt her Master’s hands on her, undoing the ropes that held her in place.

    As the rope began to give way, he slid his hands underneath it, reaching for her tits. He grasped her tits in each hand and rubbed and massaged them, drawing a gasp from her as he pinched the sensitive nipples.

    “Ah,” He laughed, “You’re so beautiful.”

    She turned to look at him, smiling softly at him. “Thank you.” She said softly.

    “I’m sorry.” He grinned sheepishly.

    “It’s okay. I’ve been waiting for it.” She joked, raising an eyebrow at him.

    “That’s very sweet.” He smirked. “But, if you hadn’t waited, I’d be bored out of my mind.”

    She smiled back. “I was afraid you’d say that.”

    He returned her smile and slipped her shirt off, leaning down and kissing her chest, then slowly lowered his head, down her stomach, stopping at her navel and circling it slowly, as she moaned quietly.

    “Mmm…” He bit her navel lightly, before slipping his hand down between her legs. “If you’re this wet for me."

    She blushed, shrugging her shoulders a little.

    He grinned then stepped back and admired her. He ran his hand up her inner thigh, his lips pursed together in a wicked smile. “I bet.” He whispered, and she couldn’t help but laugh.

    He slid a finger into her slick and waiting cunt, working it in and out slowly, teasingly. She was enjoying this far too much for his liking. “Ooh,” She sighed quietly. “You…”

    “What?” He smiled wickedly at her.

    “… Do…” She whispered.

    “Oh my,” He hissed, “You really do like this, don’t you?”

    She bit her lip and nodded shyly.

    He continued stroking his finger in and out of her slick and welcoming pussy, slowly increasing the speed, gradually, until he found her spot, and then began to draw it out gently, before fucking her hard with his finger.

    She was already close to orgasm again.

    “Yes…” She moaned, “Oh Master. I’m so…”

    He froze, biting her breast gently before removing his finger from her pussy. “Did I hurt you?” He asked her softly.

    “No.” She managed to speak through a moan. “It was…” She was too close to continue, but she managed to gasp out, “… great.”

    He grinned at her, still stroking his finger in and out slowly, lightly, against her slit.

    “Oh? I’d say so.” He said, and she flushed with embarrassment. “I’m a little surprised by your lack of interest in this sort of thing.”

    She looked at him in shock, but he didn’t notice, his eyes focused on her clit.

    “Why is that?” He asked, stroking his finger in and out of her. “You’re a beautiful woman, but I’ve never seen you act this way around a man, before.”

    She raised an eyebrow at him.

    “I don’t know.” She admitted, then bit her lip. “Maybe I just haven’t found the right one yet. I mean, you’re the perfect Master, but still…”

    He smiled at her. “Then let me take care of that, my dear.”

    He crawled up her body, slowly, gently, as she spread her legs and eagerly stared at his cock.

    “I want to do something for you,” He murmured, “I want you to come while I fuck you.”

    She bit her lip, looking longingly at his throbbing cock. “Oh.” She whispered. “Can I come?”

    “Yes, of course.” He said.

    He entered her slowly, taking his time. “Come, my little pearl, and I’ll make it good for you.”

    She opened her eyes wide and gasped, her pussy clenching around his cock as the orgasm overtook her.

    He held her tight to him as she shuddered, and kissed her gently on the lips, before rolling off her. She turned her head to see his cock jerking up and down, his cum glistening on his c*ck’s head.

    “Shall we go inside and clean this up?” He asked her, still smiling sweetly.

    She nodded eagerly, trying not to make it sound too eager.

    He got up, and helped her up after him. He walked to the door and turned the lock, before returning to the bed. “Kneel and put your arms in the air.”

    “Yes, Master.” She said, obediently, trying not to let her heart race too fast.

    “Would you like your arms back now?” He asked her, before returning to the kitchen.

    “Yes, Master.” She said, looking longingly at his cock, which was twitching once again.

    He returned to the bedroom. “Kneel on the bed again, and put your arms in the air again.”

    She complied, stroking her wrists self-consciously as he unzipped his pants. She quickly looked up at him when he bent over to pull them down.

    She gasped and sucked in her breath as she saw his huge, still rock hard cock. She reached for it eagerly and began rubbing it gently, before moving to give him a hot, passionate kiss.

    He entered her from behind, slowly, his arms still out to either side. She let out a small moan as he moved inside her, so very slowly. He kissed her again, soft, sweet and gentle.

    He removed his hands from her arms, and rolled her over so she was kneeling with her legs on either side of his shoulders.

    “Oh, Master.” She murmured in pleasure, as he brought her to her first orgasm. “Oh, thank you, thank you, Master.”

    He made her come again, before putting her on all fours on the bed.

    She knelt there, stroking his cock, like she’d seen him do. Her body was trembling, her legs were aching, and yet she couldn’t get enough of him.

    “Is that what you want?” He asked her, teasingly, before entering her.

    She nodded eagerly. “Yes, Master.” She said, eagerly. “I want to please you.”

    He entered her quickly and eagerly, his hands on her hips to steady her.

    “Come on my little slut. Come for me.” He said softly.

    She lost her breath and let out a small moan as she came again.

    “So, you want to come again, don’t you?” He said, his voice teasing.

    She whimpered and nodded, watching him as he teased and toyed with her.

    She pulled herself up to a kneeling position, giving him a sweet, flirty smile. “Would you like me to serve you?”

    He paused. “A slave always needs to be ready.” He replied, smiling.

    “Right.” She said, excitedly.

    He moved up to her, lifting her hands above her head, spreading her wide for him. “Spread them.”

    She didn’t know what to do. But when she did, he was on her in an instant, his cock filling her.

    He thrust up into her, driving deep inside her.

    She threw her head back, a silent scream of ecstasy escaping her lips.

    He grabbed her, drawing her tightly against his body as he moaned.

    “Oh, my little kitten.” He gasped.

    “Thank you, Master.” She breathed, after a long minute.

    He pulled her close and hugged her tightly. “I love you,” he told her. “I love you so much.”

    She nodded, and kissed him, her arms tight around his body. “Yes, Master.”

    He began to move, thrusting into her, slowly, so slowly that her body could barely take it.

    She whimpered and clutched his back as he moved, in and out of her.

    He moved in and out of her, slowly, rhythmically, his hands on her hips, pulling her gently up and down as he moved.

    She could feel the edge of another orgasm approaching, but he stopped suddenly.

    She held her breath, her body still tingling, unable to move.

    “Don’t come yet, my little kitten.” He told her. “Keep your legs in the air.”

    She was completely lost in the pleasure that was building within her, but after a long moment she followed his orders.

    She heard his breathing become faster.

    She couldn’t move.

    She tried to force her body up off the bed but he held her tightly to him, driving deep into her, driving her closer and closer to the edge.

    Her eyes were squeezed tightly shut, she could hear his heart beating, and she felt his breathing get heavier.

    She could feel the heat rising within her body.

    His breath, coming in short gasps.

    She was so close.

    He groaned in pleasure, and she could feel him coming inside of her, filling her.

    She finally let herself breathe, and he let his breath out.

    “That was incredible.” He breathed, once he’d caught his breath.

    She nodded, still panting. “It was, wasn’t it.”

    He pulled himself out of her and turned her over onto her back, lying on top of her. “Yes, it was.”

    “I love you.” She said simply.

    He was quiet for a long moment, then he kissed her.

    “I love you, too.” He said. “I love you so much.”

    “Please.” She whispered. “Touch me.”

    He was silent for a long moment. “Do you want me to touch you?”

    She shook her head.

    “I won’t.” He said, looking into her eyes, his face serious.

    She raised her eyebrows at him. “I want you to.”

    “No.” He said.

    She sighed and laid her head down on the pillow, looking up at him. “I’m not disappointed.”

    He grinned. “No?”

    “No, Master. Not at all.”

    He nodded, smiling. “Thank you, my sweet kitten.”

    “What about the other part?” She asked.

    He chuckled, reaching up to play with her breasts, squeezing them gently. “That, too.”

    They lay quietly for a while, then she raised her head up, moving onto her side next to him, her back against his chest.

    “Do you have a girlfriend? A mate?” She asked him.

    He smiled, then shook his head.


    “No girlfriend. I can’t believe you.”

    He chuckled. “It never really was a thing, was it?”

    She shook her head. “Never really was.”

    “Do you want to be?” He asked.

    She laughed softly. “Oh, God, no.”

    “What then?” He asked, leaning forward to kiss her neck, then her chest.

    She shrugged. “Oh, I dunno. Maybe we’ll just live together.”

    He laughed, a low, throaty sound. “And what about children?”

    She shrugged again. “I don’t know.”

    “Fair enough.” He said, pulling back the covers on the bed. “You know, and then maybe we’ll see what happens.”

    She felt herself blushing. She had forgotten, somewhere in her rush to do as he had asked, that she was naked.

    He smiled down at her, a proud smile, and she felt his hand reach out to her.

    She took it.

    “It’s done.” He said. “Do you want to serve?”

    She kissed him, eyes still closed. “Yes, my Master. Yes.”

    He let go of her hand and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her down to him. She stretched out against him and he felt her body relax, going limp.

    “And you want me to touch you?” He asked her.

    She felt her eyes open again and she looked into his. He could see the rush of emotions moving across her face, most of all love, and she nodded, smiling up at him.

    “I want you to touch me.” She whispered, as if she had to ask permission. “Please.”

    He smiled down at her, his hands coming up to touch her face.